Monday, October 27, 2014

Wondering about Steak and Potato's

If you are diabetic and check this out or if you're a nutritionists I'd love to hear what you think.

I've gotten pretty good at estimating carbs when I go out to dinner and counting carbs at home. I went out to The Spaghetti Factory last night, ordered a chicken/pasta dish. I ate the chicken, sausage and some of the sauce along with a bit of the noodles. I left half the noodles on the plate and stayed away from the bread and was quite happily surprised at the way my blood sugar handled it.

Where I have been having trouble lately is Steak and Potato's. My youngest daughter learned to make twice baked potato's and she's been making them at least once a week. I looked up estimated carb counts for them and have been bolusing accordingly. The last two times we've had them though my blood sugar has skyrocketed in the late evening after I fall asleep. Again the Dexcom CGM helps because I can see the BS mainly flat until after midnight then start to rise, spiking around 2am and then staying at that level.

Is the steak fatty enough or do you think there is enough fat in the S/C and butter of the twice baked potato that I need to extend the bolus? My diabetic educator told me to do this with pizza. The fat in the cheese slows the absorption of the carbs so you extend the insulin delivery of the bolus taking half of it an hour or even two later. Otherwise all those carbs hit after your insulin is mostly gone. I'm getting better at doing this with pizza, I just didn't expect it to happen with Steak.

What do you think? Ever experienced this?

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