Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sometimes you do everything right and it still doesn't work.

Rough night last night.

Admittedly, I didn't eat great.  Everyone else was out so I just grilled a ham and swiss sandwich added some Cheetos. I had some crackers and dip too because Kristy left some of this wonderful ranch/bacon dip that she took to the ladies Christmas banquet. I might of had some dessert too, a couple of Hershey's kisses. I was fairly sure I accounted for all of that, though, when I set up my bolus. I took almost 20 units of insulin 12 units up front and the rest spread over a two hour period.

Thant was all around 6:30. Around 8 I started seeing my blood sugar go up. By 9 it was above 200 and I took extra insulin. At 9;30 it was above 250 and I took more insulin. Remember I haven't eaten since 6:30 (Ok I  had a pickle and some cheese, maybe a carb) Around 10 it appeared my blood sugar was taking a break from the rise. It had leveled off at 290. I thought, maybe all that insulin was going to start kicking in. It didn't. I started feeling bad and also started asking Mallory, who was watching Oregon  beat up on Arizona with me, If she smelled insulin. I began to look for  leaks  in the tubing or evidence that  there  was  something wrong with the infusion site. While I thought I smelled insulin I couldn't find any  liquid on the tubing or near the site. I told Mallory  that  I would wait till morning and see if my blood sugar ever went back down.

At 11:00 though I looked at my blood sugar one more time; 323 and rising. I thought, "I didn't eat that much. It's gotta be the infusion set." 20 minutes later I had changed all the tubing and changed the site where it was connected to me. I over-rode the pumps safety features and took 15 units of insulin. I figured I hadn't gotten most of what I had taken through the evening. I set my continuous glucose monitor alarms to high set it next to my head and went to sleep. I woke several times overnight and each time checked my CGM. Each time it indicated that my blood sugar was going down but not dangerously. I woke at 6:00 with a blood sugar of 98

A couple of points to make through this story

  • Sometimes diabetics do everything right and it still doesn't work. If you have a diabetic friend or family remember please  don't assume that a problem With blood sugars means they aren't doing a good job controlling themselves. And if they get frustrated by this disease, remember you'd rather have them frustrated and fighting it than having them give up and let blood sugars run Crazy because they are too hard to control.
  • Another push for CGM's. This entire night could have been a lot messier and a lot more difficult without it.

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