Friday, November 14, 2014

On diabetes awareness day

If I had one thing that I wish the public understood about type 1 diabetes it would be understanding how difficult this is to control.

It's like when you interview the opposing team before they play Peyton Manning or Russell Wilson. The reporter will eventually ask the question, "What are you going to do to control that guy?" The answer is always the same. "We have a plan to try and contain him but the truth is you can't control him you just have to try and limit his effects." That's what fighting type 1 diabetes is like.
You  come at it with a plan, sometimes that plan works, sometimes it doesn't. The most frustrating thing about being a type 1 diabetic, as I get older, isn't the diet, the shots or even the blood tests. It's those times when you are doing everything you're supposed to be doing and it's still not working.

That's the thing I wish people understood. That insulin isn't just a medication you take to fix the problem. Taking insulin means a delicate balance of food, insulin and exercise. Stress and infection can affect the way your body processes the insulin you take and the food that you eat. Just about the time you think you have it figured out something changes and nothing seems to work anymore.

I love those days where everything seems to work and my blood sugars stay somewhat normal. The truth is though I spend most of my time trying to figure out what I did wrong and wondering why my blood sugar is either much higher or much lower than I thought it should be.

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